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your home router SUCKS!! (use pfSense instead)
Your Router Sucks. Build Your Own Instead!
You won't believe how UNSAFE your home router is!
Routers Suck. Build Your Own Instead!
OPNSense: Protect Your Home LAN With a Transparent Filtering Bridge with Step by Step Instructions
Demo with rus sab test "your home router SUCKS!! (use pfSense instead)"
Which Hardware to Choose For pfsense? Netgate VS Protectli, Qotom, Yanling, etc...
Your ISP Router sucks. Use pfSense instead
my SUPER secure Raspberry Pi Router (wifi VPN travel router)
I hope you don't need internet.... - PfSense Router Update
Building The "Ultimate" Router - [PFSense + Pi-hole + PIVPN]
Should You Build Your Own Router?